Monday, January 8, 2007

The Overview/Beginning (Because it's the most logical place to start)

OK, so I admit, I’m not really qualified to write a blog titled “How To Date A Pro Hockey player considering that I haven’t actually done so - YET! So girls stick around for the ride if you want to possibly learn something, or guys feel free to stay and laugh at my many failed attempts, and my girly-ness. (Yes I am giving you permission to laugh at the ridiculous things girls go through to get a guy!)

Any female that watches hockey (especially if they live on Long Island) knows that Rick DiPietro is hot. There’s no denying it. Women have found many ways to express their interest in Ricky. Some women watch every game on TV hoping for an interview with him at the end of the game (while TiVo’ing of course!), others download countless amounts of pictures of him for their secret Ricky stash, others create fansites and forums. I prefer a more proactive approach (I have not tried any of the above mentioned, I swear!) – and thus an idea - and a bet - were born. I am going to try to score a date with NY Islander’s goalie – Rick Dipietro

But we’ll chat more about the bet in a little bit..

The Idea :
Now I’m a busy girl, and I haven’t had much time to really think about men and the whole “dating” scene. However one day I was thinking to myself – I need a guy who will let me do my thing (my cool video stuff!), which calls for a grueling schedule as well. That nixes any guy that is too clingy or that has to be with me at all times. I always joked that I would have to marry someone who was in the same business as me to understand the traveling and all the other stuff that comes with making commercials and movies. Then I thought to myself – man. I really need to get to an Islanders game!! And it clicked.. Hockey players travel all the time for ‘work’ too! They most certainly won’t get too mushy or attached (especially in front of their teammates). PERFECT!!!

My friend Seth likes to get on my nerves talking trash about the Islanders (he’s a Rangers fan.. ok altogether everyone – BOOOOO!!!!!). Now the Isles may not be the most skilled team in the league, but we are a very good looking team.. So my excuse to him would usually be “ but we’re the hotter team”. Yeah.. I know – lame dis right? Well my logic was that if I talked about “hot guys” it would get him to shut up and leave me alone. I didn’t really work. But I was speaking the truth. And Ricky was most certainly leading the pack.

My Odds (according to me):
When the idea of dating Rick first came to mind I almost laughed at the ridiculous idea, until I realized that it wasn’t all THAT ridiculous.

1. He is 3 years older than me.
He’s 25 and I’m 22. Now this has a few perks. (This is not like when I was 7 years old and liked Pierre Turgeon who was married with twins). So the age range is perfect. I’m not the washed out hockey mom looking for a younger guy, nor am I the underaged girl that will get you into trouble. Also, I’m guessing that much like famous type people – they go for the younger chicks.

2. Location and accessibility to their practice rink.
If I wanted to, I could walk to the rink. But why do that when you have a car?! Basically I’m really close, and not to mention all you have to do is ask the rink people when the Islanders practice and they’ll tell you. All you have to do is show up. (THEY DON’T CHARGE LIKE THE SHITTY RANGERS TO WATCH THEM PRACTICE)

3. Hockey guys are horny
And I’d like to think of myself as an OK lookin’ gal…

The Bet:
I’m talking to my friend (and former teammate) Lynn, and her thought process was much like mine. Laughing at the ridiculous words that just escaped my mouth, to a moment of silence, to her saying “you know what.. I think that this could actually work”. And then saying how she would be extremely impressed if I hooked up with him. But I guess she could detect my slight nervousness about the situation (especially when I’m constantly questioning her how I should go about doing this). So Lynn did what any true hockey teammate would do, add a bet involving alcohol.

Now, on top of trying to score a date with him, Lynn will buy me a drink if I hook up with him in the locker room and two drinks if I hook up with him on center ice. OY. Ok, ok… YOU’RE ON!

Support from friends??:
Lynn embraced the idea and thought I was a genius for coming up with it. (She also wants to join me when she gets back from Colorado). As for others, I got mixed reactions. One of my friends will refuse to speak to me if this ever happens, as he’s completely opposed to the idea. Another friend does not want me to do this, and can’t understand why, claiming that I should be with a “nice Jewish boy” and settle down. Other than that, the response has been pretty damn nice, with a lot of people backing me up.

Now – onto Phase 1 : Letting Ricky know that I exist!

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